Senin, 14 Januari 2019

Preserve Indonesian Tourism

Tourism in Indonesia is starting to stretch. In fact, Indonesia in its efforts to try to attract foreign tourists with a visit Indonesia program. In addition to Indonesia, each province also has its own plans. One of the provinces that I occupied was Central Java, also visited Central Java.
This is to attract tourists. But what happened? the incessant promotion of tourism in Indonesia is not accompanied by the behavior of tourists who do not heed tourist attractions or behave badly. This has an adverse effect on tourism in Indonesia.

 There are quite a lot of tourism assets in Indonesia that we need to preserve. Getting to know the area's own tourism, it is necessary to as a manifestation effort to preserve regional tourism. As one of the Karanganyar residents, I really don't know much about my area tourism, but as a person who likes to travel, at least I have visited several tourist attractions in Karanganyar and its surroundings.  joyfull journey

Karanganyar is a district that is still around Soloraya. The characteristics of this district in the east are in the mountains, while the western part is in the lowlands. Most tourism in Karanganyar is dominated in mountainous areas including Tawangmangu, Pandan, Jenawi, Ngargoyoso and Matesih. Whereas in urban areas dominated by culinary tourism, there are also tourist attractions and reservoirs in several places. How do we preserve tourism in Indonesia, one of which is to start from ourselves in our area.

Regional tourism is one of the wealth of tourism in Indonesia. Here are some important notes that I summarize at some points of tourism in Karanganyar and its surroundings. At Grojogan Sewu Waterfall: Self-conscious attitude needs to be planted towards tourists. This waterfall has even been famous among tourists, it is located in the Lawu Mountains, Tawang Mangu Karanganyar, in this area there are many monkeys hanging around. There is a warning that we are forbidden to feed monkeys and to be careful of food being brought because it will make the monkey addicted.

 But without us realizing there are still many of us who give food to monkeys, this makes the monkey increasingly addicted to visitors so that if not ready then the monkeys will immediately chase us or even rob us of our food.

Now, many tourists are beginning to realize, it is rare for tourists to give a monkey meal directly. I hope this is a special concern. After the monkey problem, which is about warning, don't get too close to the waterfall because it is very dangerous.

Cleanliness is often one of the troubling problems in the tourist area. What you used to enjoy was a beautiful view but because the garbage in the beauty of the tourist attractions could be reduced.

Finally the visitors blamed the management, often blaming the government for the inconvenience they felt. Even though this also comes from visitors themselves.

With the reason that the trash can is located far away, visitors will throw garbage everywhere they like. Or if you don't want to be seen, they slip it in an area that is not easily accessible to the eye.

Minggu, 11 November 2018

perlengkapan ketika travelling

1. pastikan jauh jauh hari sudah dapat tiket travelling

2. paspor dan identitas lainya. dan juga tiket

3. cek info perlengkapan di
4. perlengkapan baju yg cukup
5. koper
6. pastikan kartu kredit, telpon selular, listrik dan tagihan rumah tangga lainnya sudah dibayar sebelum berangkat.
7. Bahan makanan (optional) 
8. kamera
9. charger hape 
11. jangan lupa bawa perlengkapan kalo ikut open trip labuan bajo   

tips travelling murah ke luar negeri

  1. Melakukan research di
  2. Liburan saat low season. 
  3. Memilih hotel murah dan bagus kualitas
  4. Memakai jalur darat.
  5. Naik angkutan umum.
  6. Makan di pinggir jalan.  
  7. Rencanakan jauh-jauh hari
  8.  Beli tiket dengan strategi jitu 
  9. Menginap di homestay, bukan di hotel
  10. Kamu bisa menekan biaya traveling menjadi lebih hemat dengan mengikuti open trip. Open trip merupakan perjalanan ke destinasi wisata tertentu yang dibuka untuk umum dengan prinsip sharing cost. Open trip memungkinkan kamu pergi dengan biaya lebih irit terutama untuk ongkos transportasi dan penginapan.
open trip labuan bajo

Senin, 05 Februari 2018

pariwisata di Indonesia

Sabtu, 06 Januari 2018

Perkembangan Wisata Indonesia

Pariwisata di Indonesia merupakan salah satu sektor yang memiliki potensi besar untuk mendukung roda perekonomian negara. Berbagai lokasi wisata dengan beragam budaya yang melekat dapat ditemukan di sepanjang wilayah Bumi Pertiwi kian menarik perhatian pengunjung, baik wisatawan lokal maupun asing. Hal inilah yang menjadi kekuatan bagi pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia hingga saat ini.


tujuan pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan devisa pada khususnya dan pendapatan negara dan masyarakat pada umumnya, perluasan kesempatan serta lapangan kerja, dan mendorong kegiatan-kegiatan industri penunjang dan industri-industri sampingan lainnya. Serta memperkenalkan dan mendayagunakan keindahan alam dan kebudayaan Indonesia. Selain itu juga meningkatkan persaudaraan/persahabatan nasional dan internasional.

Wisata di Indonesia harus dikelola oleh pemerintah indonesia dan pemerintah daerah agar ekonomi rakyat membaik, selain itu juga tempat wisata tersebut juga dilestarikan dan dijaa kebersihannya. 

open trip labuan bajo   open trip labuan bajo 2018   paket wisata labuan bajo   pulau komodo tour

Preserve Indonesian Tourism

Tourism in Indonesia is starting to stretch. In fact, Indonesia in its efforts to try to attract foreign tourists with a visit Indonesia pro...